If you wanted to get the “essence” of a global sub-region, you would have to look for a place that would incorporate many of the common values of that region. That means, of course, religion and food, but it is deeper than that. Culture has many facets. Culture impacts the design of traditional buildings, coloring how people dress, dictating rules about how they should interact politely. In other words, culture is the operational software for the hardware of the human body. We can all have the same parts of the body and the same needs, but how to meet those needs and how we relate to the functions of culture. That’s why traveling is so much fun, we can see the differences in how the regions meet certain basic needs.
Cambodia is no different. If you go to Cambodia, you will quickly see that they incorporate many of the cultural traits of Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, and Cambodia. Check the list of cambodia tours here. Here are just a few of the top reasons why going on tours in Cambodia help you gain a thorough understanding of Southeast Asian culture.

Buddhism is the main religion in Southeast Asia. Although there are many Muslim and Catholic regions in Southeast Asia, when it comes to Indochina, Buddhism is the only game in the city. In fact, Buddhism is established from southern China to the western fringes of Myanmar. In addition, Buddhism practiced in this region is very different from the kind of Buddhism that is great in Tibet or China. Theravada Buddhism is all about individual enlightenment and does not have much of the mysticism of Tibetan Buddhism. This is definitely one aspect that you will see on your tours in Cambodia.
Love for family
Southeast Asians attach much importance to their families. The family unit is very large – it includes several generations and several lines. In fact, twice-removed cousins are as welcome in a home as brothers and sisters. South East Asia’s focus on the family arose in part because of economic reasons. Large, cohesive families are needed because of the heavy demands of traditional rice-growing labor. That is why, until the proliferation of contraception, families in Southeast Asia tended to be large in children. It was only until the spread of antibiotics that families’ sizes exploded. Many families wanted many children, but due to infant mortality, numbers were kept low.
Indian and Chinese influence
Indonesia is a Muslim country and you would think that there is little Indian or Chinese influence there, since it is quite different from Indochina. Think again. The Indians really brought Buddhism to Indonesia. In fact, there are some Buddhist temples in Indonesia. These are relics from a time when Indonesia was predominantly Buddhist. After this period Indian traders began to spread Islam and now the country is predominantly Muslim. Similarly, Indian influence is high in Thailand and Cambodia. As you go on your Cambodian yours, you will see the Indian influence on sculpture and art. As for Chinese influence, much of Southeast Asia’s business revolves around Chinese and middle-class traders. You can get a complete view of the list of Cambodia tours here now